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Trainer Modules for A Place to Connect Champions

As 'A Place to Connect Champion' you may be interested in learning more about coaching, presenting and facilitating within your subject matter expertise. These modules will provide you with a number of concepts to explore.



  • Temperament and Learning Preferences (Doer, Influencer, Relater, Thinker)
  • The A's (Affiliation, Attention, Acquisition, Application, Action, Affirmation)
  • The Powertool - Designing Dynamic Workshops
  • The Strength Based Approach to interacting and coaching with others
  • Presentation Skills
  • Facilitation Skills
  • The YMCA Common Approach to working with people
  • Healthy Group Growth
  • Creating Healthy Environments for Adult Learning
  • Leading Difficult Groups
  • The YMCA Learning Model



You may also want to purchase the accompanying book "The Trainer in You" by Hugh Phillips. You may purchase it online from the HP Training Works website: HP Training Works

These modules are for your professional development only, and do not provide a certification. If you are interested in participating in a full YMCA New Trainer course for certification, please contact Carolyn Tyner:

CAD $50.00